Congrats to the 2023 Art Competition Winners!

First Prize: “Claire” by Bethany Spike from New Ulm
Second Prize: Self Portrait” by Grace Niebuhr from Wells
Third Prize (tie): “Down the Canal” by Kylee Hanks from Janesville &
“Holding on to Time” by Leah Kuehl from St. James
People’s Choice: "Cat" by Isabelle Guggisberg

And thank you to all participating students for sharing your talents with us, and adding so much vibrancy to our festival!

The 2024 ProMusica Student Art Competition

This new competition focusing on 2D works of student art will be a part of the 2024 ProMusica Chamber Music Festival from June 8-9, 2024. There is no entrance or application fee, and the competition to all student artists aged 13-18 living in the eight-county area near Mankato. $3,000 in prizes and scholarships are available. See below for additional details.

The ProMusica Student Art Competition is sponsored by the Marion Anderson Fund and the Mary E. Suedbeck Fund for the Encouragement of the Arts of Mankato Area Foundation.

This competition is open to any high school-aged visual artist of grade 9-12 / age 13-18 at the time of submission. Eligible artists must reside in Blue Earth, Nicollet, Brown, LeSueur, Waseca, Faribault, Martin, and Watonwan counties.


The first place winner of each category will receive a cash prize of $500 plus an additional $1,000 scholarship towards an effort of continuing education as described in their application, such as a college/university, camp, class, etc. A second place winner will receive a cash prize of $300, and a third place winner will receive a cash prize of $100.

There will also be a “People’s Choice” Award of $100 which will be voted on by audience members of the festival.

In addition, as a thank you to our invaluable teachers, coaches, and mentors, an additional $200 stipend will be given to the first place winner’s mentor with an additional $800 donation to their program as specified in the application.


The competition will focus on 2D works of art: traditional painting, digital painting, drawing, printmaking, etc. Participating artists may include more than one submission, but no more than three total submissions.

As the work will be displayed in the Chapel at Bethany Lutheran College, works of a vulgar or ethically dubious nature will not be accepted as determined by a representative from the host institution. This is not a statement of artistic judgment or censorship, rather an effort of respect for the host institution.


The competition will be adjudicated by three individuals, representative of a diverse array of artistic experience. All three judges will provide feedback and a score for all accepted works of art. Although creativity is certainly a key component, judging will prioritize skill and technique over creativity and innovation.  Participants will not be made aware of their scores, but will receive feedback of responses from all three judges.

Judging and Feedback

There is no fee to participate. During the festival, audiences will be able to bid on purchasing all works of art. All opening bids are $20 and will increase in $5 increments. At the end of the bidding process, the artist will receive 60% of the proceeds, whereas ProMusica will receive 40% of the proceeds which will exclusively . At the close of the festival, if a work of art does not sell, the artist may purchase back their work for the opening bid of $20 or it will be considered a donation to ProMusica. This is in lieu of an application or entrance fee. However, if a student does not wish to list their work for bid, they may be exempt from bidding, but would then be asked asked for a $20 fee to participate.

All proceeds collected by ProMusica will be used to support future art competitions.

Fees, Bidding, and Terms

Selected works of art will be displayed during the ProMusica Minnesota Chamber Music Festival from June 9-11th, 2023. 

May 15, 2024: Application Deadline
May 21, 2024: Participants notified of acceptance
June 7, 2024: Works delivered to Bethany Lutheran College
June 9, 2024: Winners announced, purchased works distributed at the final concert of the festival



Any questions may be directed to competition coordinator, Benji Inniger.


If you are ready, please complete an application: